
Larry Coryell's Jazz Guitar Vol 1 ~ Page Two

 back coverTo me there are at least two parts to playing any style guitar: the rhythm and the melody. In Vol. 1 Larry starts us out with the melody.

Further he expects us to improve by several months by the time we are half way through the lesson.

When we get to  Blues in C (See Menu Below) Larry is talking interval understanding and explaining the scale to us as though we were ready for interval shapes and that they apply to chords as well as single notes and chord substitutions. You cant really see his hands that well either as its a wide shot and he runs though some scales which we hope are in the pamphlet.

Larry shows us a 10th chord and tries to explain what it means to build an extended chord like a 9th or 11th or a 13th. Since the 8th note of the major scale is the end of one octave and the beginning of the next then the 9th extension would really be a whole step above the 8th and the 11th another and the 13 and so on. There can also be implied chords with no root.

Some folks say that these type of voicings are more balanced or rather less inclined to resolve. Larry tells us that knowing your intervals opens this world to you. Even for Rock, knowing the rudiments of diatonic harmony is mandatory. Next he starts talking modes, the Ionian mode, the Dorian mode, but its brief. He points our some cool stuff you definitely want to know. Like that we should learn our C major scale in all 5 positions on the neck and try to play it different ways so that we could learn to connect the positions. That will allow us to communicate with ourselves and with others. Knowing the intervals and how they make up chords.

Larry is a like a hip college professor - you want to take his class. But you have to have done your home work. I'd take a chance on this and 100% the jazz book too. In tandem they would be great. Alone this will leave you with more questions than answers. Like how to play simple chords. Its a great overview for any semi-serious guitarist and I am glad I own Volume One at least.

    Menu Larry Coryell's Jazz Guitar Vol. 1, 83 min.
  • 01. Opening
  • 02. Lesson Intro, Tuning,Position of the guitar, Strings, etc
  • 03. Scales: Major, Minor, Augmented, Diminished, whole and half tone
  • 04. Intervals Modes and Arpeggios
  • 05. Aspects of the Instrument
  • 06. Blues in C, Intervals, Substitutions and Inversions
  • 07. Soloing over Blues in C
  • 08. Final Thoughts

Page One

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Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt